Monday, January 27, 2020

Benefit-Cost Ratio in Healthcare Services

Benefit-Cost Ratio in Healthcare Services When you think of going to the hospital or calling an ambulance, it is difficult to not think about the costs included with those services. All of the money spent does in fact go to good use in the hospital because the cost to run and maintain the machinery and equipment is very high. It can be so great that supplies are scarce therefore equipment does not get to the ambulances. An important life saving device is an AED, or an Automated External Defibrillator. These can be found around hallways of the campus and exerts a shock to someone who had a heart attack and no longer has a heartbeat. AEDs are fairly expensive and highly inelastic so they are difficult to obtain or replicate. ÃÆ'-rebro University in Sweden analyzed the costs and benefits of carrying the AED for EMS (Emergency Medical Service) use. The most common cause of death is coronary heart disease in the world happening nowhere near a hospital bed (Sund). When someone goes into cardiac arrest, it is crucial the patient is resuscitated as soon as possible to increase the chance of survival. Defibrillation plays one of the most important parts during resuscitation and that is where the AED comes into account. Every minute that a person goes without a heartbeat, their chance of survival decreases dramatically. Their brain needs oxygen, the entire body needs blood, and without the heart flowing blood throughout the body, there is a higher chance of organ failure if they do survive. But before you go out and purchase thousands of AEDs, there are a few things that need to be looked over. Not only do the hospitals have to account for the cost of a single AED, but they have to train the different employees on how to use it, the hospitalization afterwards, and the supplies used during the ten-year lifespan such as the sticky pads that go on the person to send the shock and replacement batteries. The total costs of the defibrillators in the county of Stockholm accumulated to just over 8 million euros, or 8.45 million dollars (Sund). Assume the average cost is 8 million dollars per county in North Carolina. There are 100 counties in North Carolina, totaling 800 million dollars for installation of defibrillators in our state alone. There is no doubt the AEDs would have a high cost, but the benefits overcome that hurdle by saving many peoples life. For most 9-1-1 calls, the first responders are the police, fire department, and EMS with an ambulance for transport. By having the fire depot responding to medical calls, the chance of survival increases significantly. In the county of Stockholm, the average time for use of the AED decreased by one minute and the percentage of survival after one month increased by two percent (Sund). In just one county, those numbers represent how significant and useful an AED device can be. To put a monetary amount on the value of life, it would be 2.2 million euros to prevent premature death. This comes from a survey where people were asked how much they would be willing to pay to prevent death (Sund). In the end, the benefits of an AED device calculated to be 36 times higher than the costs, proving that a price cannot be put on a persons life. With a benefit-cost ratio of 36, meaning the benefit is 36 times more than the amount of the cost spent, it is easy to see that the people of Stockholm would be supportive of the program. The AEDs are a one in ten year purchase with an almost infinite use within the time frame. Once the AED devices are bought, that is the only cost, but every life saved is an additional benefit. It is easy to see that in one year, you can make the money back by three times as much. Currently, slightly over half of all EMS has an AED available. Maybe if the government read this article, they would understand the importance of it and how much it impacts survival during an emergency. Reference (APA) Sund, B., Svensson, L., Rosenqvist, M., Hollenberg, J. (2011). Favourable cost-benefit in an early defibrillation programme using dual dispatch of ambulance and fire services in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The European Journal of Health Economics: HEPAC, 13(6), 811-8. doi:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Human Growth and Development Case Study

The paper Is focused primarily on cognitive, physical, and social developments. This paper will discuss the relationship I see between theories of observing and planning and theories of development in childhood education. Michael is 6 years and 11 months old. It is October and he is in first class. Michael rarely makes contact, and when he is directly asked to do so he turns and looks at the back wall of the classroom. He displays this behavior also when asked to participate in group work.When in class he maintains a low level of continuous dialogue which is never directed towards other students. When he asks questions in class they never have any relevance to the immediate context of the lesson. When he talks to other students he talks at them rather than to them and does not require a response. It is also evident in his interaction with the teacher that his conversation lacks any element of transaction. He demonstrates a literal understanding of instruction I. E. Recently he was to ld to sit down and finish his work and not to move until he was finished.Michael did finish the work but continued to sit all trough lunch until the teacher on yard duty noticed him sitting in the empty classroom. He reported he had been told not to move. It is clear that he does not understand facial expressions and body language and communication needs to be kept at a very concrete and unambiguous level. Increasingly he is becoming socially isolated in the class as he displays little interest in the other children and they find his behavior difficult to understand.At a time in their lives when children are beginning to form real friendships his difficulties are becoming more apparent in the social area. He moans quiet frequently that the other children call him a baby out in the yard and this has become an issue with his parents as they claim he is being bullied in the art. Close observation of Michael reveals that he does in fact behave in a babyish manner quiet a lot of time and lacks levels of independence consistent with his age group. He along with the rest of his class has completed the Micro T. And Stigma T. Sets of reading and math attainment. On both tests Michael scores two standards deviations above the norm indicating that his intellectual ability is very high. This in turn calls into question his lack of ability to function in the social and communication areas. A report is compiled for all students prior to the annual parent teacher meeting. When completing Michaels report form the only option for the teacher is to tick â€Å"poor† in all the sections relating to social development. At the parent teacher meeting Michaels social and communication skills become the focus of the discussion.They reluctantly agree that they had noticed some worrying behavior particularly when they compared his development to that of their younger son who is four. They report that they try to provide Michael with opportunities to socialism but that on occasion when he invites other children home to play Michael ignores them. People rather than with them.. He doesn't look people in the eye when he speaks to them, and he seems unaware of the subtleties of verbal and nonverbal communication. He is socially isolated, has low level of independence. Michael intellectual ability is very high.If Michael were evaluated medically he would possibly receive a diagnosis of Aspirer Syndrome (AS). What is Aspirer Syndrome? Austrian pediatrician Hans Aspirer first described the problem in 1944, but it was not until 1991 that the constellation of symptoms/experiences now known as Aspirer Syndrome (or Espalier's Disorder) became more widely known and accepted. In 1994 the American Psychiatric Association included the diagnosis in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (ADSM). Since then, as many as one in 250 children and adults may meet the diagnostic criteria.The medical community places AS in the same family of problems such as aut ism, what the ADSM calls â€Å"pervasive developmental disorders. † Those with AS have a difficult time developing good relationships, particularly with peers, for several reasons: * Nonverbal communication struggles-?children with AS have trouble expressing and interpreting nonverbal forms of communication such as ye contact, facial expressions, body postures, and gestures. He may miss or misinterpret subtle nonverbal cues that signal anger, irritation, boredom, or amusement in others, often leading to misunderstanding and conflict in relationships. Verbal communication struggles-?unlike autistic children, those with AS can express themselves verbally, but he struggle to use these abilities wisely in the midst of conversations. He are better at communicating information about things he know than entering into the give and take of normal conversation. * Lack of social or emotional reciprocity-?AS children struggle to understand and relate to he feelings of others. This does n ot mean that he have no feelings; but that he have difficulty entering into another person's experiences, emotions, and thoughts.How Aspirer Syndrome can affect Michaels development Aspirer Syndrome can affect a Michaels development in a numerous number of ways. Erickson described development in a set of stages; an individual must overcome one to move on to the next. AS could seriously disturb the succession of reaching these stages and leave a person feeling very lost and confused if gone untreated. For instance, Michael who is in the stage of Industry vs.. Inferiority may be comparing himself to his peers and realize he is very different. The issues a child has in the socially anxious and even more cut off in the future (Beer, 2007).Piglet's theory on intellectual growth can somewhat be contradicted with children who have Aspirer Syndrome. Pigged said that all children when through four stages of cognitive development. The first is seniority, the second is operational, the third i s concrete-operational, and the fourth is formal-operational stage (Skip and Shaffer 61). These different stages coincide very well with children who do not have Aspirer Syndrome, but he do not coincide very nicely with children who do. Michael who has AS is very intellectual, and more advanced then what Pigged thought was capable in his stages.Pigged believed that children couldn't really move ahead in the stages while he was still in a young age but this is not true in relationship with children who have AS. One the other hand there are some areas that Michael is not as advanced as he should be according to Pigged. This Just continues to prove that Pigged had to think about different ways that different children have of developing cognitively. Many students with Espalier's may have a lack of self-motivation. According to Mason's Hierarchy of Needs and theory of motivation, a person has basic needs to fulfill.The lower levels of needs include survival, safety, belonging and self-es teem. The higher levels of needs include self-actualization, aesthetic appreciation, and intellectual achievement. (Gene ; Chukka, 2007) When considering Mason's theory, Michael may never reach the higher needs because the lower level needs have not been met. He often feel like he don't belong, he feel unsafe and he can also struggle with self-esteem. These factors can have a great effect on a Michaels motivation in the classroom. Michael may also have needs in the classroom that the teacher will need to accommodate for.It may be physical needs, such as softened lights or loud noise reduction or environmental needs, such as workspace that is comfortable and not overwhelming for the student. Michael may also have academic needs in the classroom as well, such as wait time, physical information rather than verbal or hands on manipulative. Some classroom teachers may need to have interventions set in place in the case that a student with Espalier's has behavior modifications in lace. Th ere needs to be a set discipline plan for all students as well as the AS student in the classroom.They might also have an individualized behavior plan designed to meet their specific needs and goals. These are set in place to help the AS student succeed in the regular education classroom. The key to keeping Michael motivated in the classroom is to find what works for him. It will not be the same for everyone and it is up to the school, teachers, counselors and parents to find a way to help that individual child be successful in their education. Just like any other student, Michael wants to succeed and be part of the school and classroom community.With the proper motivational techniques, this is possible for Michael. Characteristics, and the affect this disorder of Michaels development Aspirer their development. Hans Aspirer described these group of children with a significant and chronic nonrepresentational social disorder (Miles and Simpson 1). Michael show to have a lot of difficu ltly in social settings. Some characteristics of Michael are that he do not deal with social situations correctly. Autistic children have much more problems with language then children with AS, and this is the biggest preference between the two disorders.He also tend to show a lot of repetitive behaviors, and obsessions with certain things Jackson 45). People with AS can also experience some problems with their sleeping patterns, motor skills and emotions. There is no specific cause to Aspirer Syndrome or Autism, it is a fact of something going wrong in your genes. A diagnosis for Aspirer Syndrome is usually made between the ages of four to eleven. The child has to demonstrate an impairment in social situations, repetitive behaviors, and their also has to be not a severe impairment in language to be diagnosed as AS and not Autism.He have to take a series of cognitive and genetic assessments to see where he fall on the ADSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria. If he obtain a certain amount of the se qualities he are classified as having Aspirer Syndrome (Prior 18). Aspirer Syndrome is a very common disorder, it is important for people to understand the characteristics, and the affect this disorder has on the five domains of their development. Cognitive Domain There are some different cognitive findings with children who have Aspirer Syndrome. A defining characteristic of AS is an average or above average intellectual opacity (Miles and Simpson 10).Michael tends to do very well intellectually in school, mostly this is due to his ability to become fixated on a topic and therefore in a way become an expert on the topic. Children with AS usually also get diagnosed with an attention deficit disorder. Michael seem to have a hard time with paying attention, and he get distracted very easily. Michael seem to get lost in his own word very often. One minute it may seem like Michael is paying attention to what you are doing, and the next he is completely in his own word, and is total u naware of his surroundings.Other then these few cognitive problems unlike Autism, Aspirer Syndrome doesn't have as many. Linguistic domain Children with Aspirer Syndrome have some issues with language. Although it is much less serious then with children with Autism it is still a big part of their life. Michael has a lot of difficulty with language, body language and facial expressions. It is very hard for him to figure out what other people mean by the way they speak and the different kinds of expressions they make. Children with AS take things very literal, and this is a huge problem with their language Jackson 100).This is very important for teachers to understand, because when they give a student or else they will get very confused. For example, if a teacher tells Michaels to leave the room for a second, he would walk out of the classroom for exactly one second and then come back in. It is very hard for Michael to understand the true meaning as to what the person is telling him, and therefore he get very confused. There are some ways of helping these children with their difficulties which is having them take speech-language assessments.This studies the child's understanding of nonliterary engage, verbal problem solving, and nonverbal communication (Miles and Simpson 26). Getting Michael into these programs early in his life, can really impact how well his language understanding develops as adults. Physical domain Children with Aspirer Syndrome tend to have some physical problems. Physical activity can be hard for children with AS because most of the children have a degree of fine and gross motor problems (Prior 207). Children with AS tend to have bad balance and hand eye coordination, they can also be very clumsy.This makes it very hard for Michael to play on a team. Difficulties with fine motor skills affect Michaels performance academically. He can sometimes have trouble grasping a pencil, and therefore he write very messy. This also causes a lot of probl ems in physical education class (Miles and Simpson 62). Students with AS have a very hard time physically and gym can be very hard on them emotionally because children tend to make fun of someone who is very bad at sports. Children with Aspirer Syndrome also have problems with textures and sensory perception.Certain textures can really bother a person with AS. So can different sounds. A child with AS has heightened menses and this causes them to get very disturbed by certain things Jackson 61). Children with AS also have different dietary needs. There is a theory that gluten and casein products can not be broken down with people on the Autistic spectrum. The removal of these foods can be very beneficial to the child's health. Going on a gluten free diet has shown some amazing results in helping children with Autism deal with their dietary needs Jackson 82).Social Domain Children with Aspirer Syndrome have a lot of difficulty with social situations. Michael sometimes doesn't know how to handle some situations that he is not used to. It is said that children with AS don't understand when they are standing to close to someone, which would make them uncomfortable. Also Michael has difficulties with following people around, and not knowing that this is bothering the person he is following. It is also very hard for Michael to tell if someone is bored because he doesn't understand peoples facial expressions, and different emotional expressions Jackson 164).Research states that children with AS demonstrate impairments in their relationships with peers, difficulties with participating in reciprocal conversations and using nonverbal communication cues within social exchanges Prior 105). Michael also has a very hard time with maintaining eye contact with Michael to be socially awkward in his lack of eye contact (Prior 106). This can be very frustrating for Michael because he feel like he is doing everything right and normal with other people, but he end up doing things a ll wrong. Emotional Domain (Self-esteem) Some children have a much healthier self-regard than others.However, children who are aware that they have significant difficulties that keep them apart from their peers are almost guaranteed to have low self-esteem. And this is exacerbated by sleep robbers, bullying, difficulties with school-work, relationship problems etc. Clearly, self-esteem issues are common in children with Aspirer Syndrome. Studies show that children who are given help with Social Skills and are able to translate this into real life situations, develop higher self-esteem, and some children benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy There are several strands that Michaels parents and teachers should keep an eye on.Teachers need to make sure that Michael is not being bullied, that he can access school work, that he can cope with playtime's and dinner hours. Espies are often perfectionists, and therefore often feel that they are letting people down when they do not do some thing perfectly. Michael needs to know his rules about doing his best. He often avoids situations where he is afraid of failing. Michael need to be encouraged to take risks, maybe going into a social situation, and then emphasis the things he has done well. Success in one situation can give the confidence to tackle another new thing.Conclusion Every child is unique – unique in the way he develops and grows. A child's development from baby to toddler, from child to teenager from teenager to adult usually follows an expected pattern. Sometimes this pattern of development is delayed. The delay may be mild or severe. Every child develops differently, however some differences may indicate a developmental disorder or delay. This is where important developmental milestones or stages are missed or delayed. Many children with Espaliers Syndrome also have sensory processing difficulties.Children with Espaliers Syndrome often find social situations extremely trying and stressful. They f requently have stereotypical patterns of behavior and can be obsessive about very specific interests, in addition to some peach and language peculiarities and issues with non-verbal communication, Many of these young people have average or above average intelligence – but lack the skills to communicate easily, have very poor social skills and may not be able to empathic or relate well to other children or adults.These children often have great difficulty ‘reading' other people's emotions or feelings. These difficulties can persist through teenage and adult life. However with family and school supports and with early intervention, young people None of us can choose our genes, our parents, or the place where we are born. We all have feelings and we all live in the same world. Let's make it a kind and friendly place for everyone. Advises for Michael parents and teachers: Aspire – The Aspirer Syndrome Association of Ireland Collinear House, Carmichael Centre, Colline ar Street, Dublin 7, Ireland.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Unit E-Commerce

There's a competition between businesses in who can get to the top, so the most amount of people ill see and even click on their website and their most likely to receive the most business. Search engines look for the search term entered within the sites they've collected. Searches are then listed in their determination Of how relevant the site's content is to the term entered. To make sure your site gets the most views as possible, you can pay to make sure that the site has priority and be at the top in searches on search engines, regardless of the amount of relevance to the term. It costs quite a bit of money but would be effective.Newsgroups and forums – Newsgroups and forums is an online discussion site where people from different places can create a conversation by posting messages. For example, Trapdoors is a website of people's reviews of places they have been around the world and has a travel forum where uses can share experience, gain people's opinions and get answers to questions and queries fast. Newsgroups and forums alike, can advertise to particular types of people, for example, a company selling clothing items, would advertise on a fashion forum. The websites URL can be posted on newsgroups and forums.This is a good way of promoting, and promoting to specific group people, great if your website is in the niche market. Also, if someone opens your site up and likes it, their likely to say their comments, however they may spread criticisms and negative comments. And it's notes newsgroups and forums that you can post your site to; its social media like Faceable. All these ways are completely free also, especially as other forms Of promotion like sponsorships can be very expensive. Banners and pop-ups – I'm sure you've seen banners and pop-ups, they come up onto your desktops and internet earaches.It's basically and image or short video and either runs along the top of the site, along the side or above the task. The video or image attract s people's attention, and nowadays if you hover over some, they expand over the whole page after three seconds. The adverts company and the site that allow the advert each make money when someone clicks on the advert and gets more and more whenever another person clicks on their site. Also, if you've used an e-commerce site before and you've looked at particular items, they will come up in banners, as it remembers that you liked that item, and rises to entice you to buy it.Spam -? This is an e-mail that is sent to lots of people at random to reach as many people as they can. However, nowadays, theirs soft are that you can use to filter spam out from you're inbox, so people don't end up opening viruses. If people don't have this software, but are aware of internet privacy and threats, they will become less likely to open e-mails from people they don't know. Companies get e-mails and other methods of contact, through many ways, such as signing up to something online, completing online surveys, or even through the phone.Effective user interface -? Having an effective user interface is essential in having a successful business as it means people that are not so able in working technology, can easily still work it. This gives the site more views as people will generally come back again. Maintaining the site may be easier to keep up also. Online customer loyalty – This is similar too shop having loyalty cards, as the e-commerce site hands out offers and deals. They work buy either, buying products and getting offers on those and similar products, a point system or a buy three and with you third you get something for free.Customers would be likely to use the site again, if it means free or discounts and would be less likely to leave if they know they'll get deals. Site names -? Website names are most effective when they are memorable or simple. For example, compartmented. Com, has a memorable advert that makes sure potential customers don't think its compartme ntalize. Com. Another example, are websites that are simple and suitable, with no dashes or weird spellings, such as Google. Co. UK or youth. Com. If names are complicated then possible customers may be lost, due to errors in typing which can lead o ending up on a rival site.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Impact of E-Commerce on Small Businesses - 1871 Words

Introduction: E- Commerce is a phenomena that is emerging rapidly between businesses all over the world, and it has affected the businesses at all sizes in many aspects. This research is looking at the small businesses, and its importance in the market and economy, EC and its benefits and limitation, and what impact has electronic commerce had on the businesses. Small Business: Definition: A small business may is a business with a small number of employees. The definition of small business often different by country and industry, but is generally under one 100 employees in the United States, while under 50 employees in the European Union. These businesses are normally privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole†¦show more content†¦Benefits for Businesses: The fast expansion of E-commerce is the most important recent trend in small business starts ups, it has helped firms to expand and create new businesses mush easier and faster than before as it has provided new ways of doing business. International reach: it has helped businesses to reach domestic and international markets with minimum cost to find the best and most efficient suppliers, expand the business, attract more customers, and collaborate and find the best suitable partners for the business. Reduce expenses: This is also the main advantage of website designing as once the web site is design for you it greatly reduces the cost of hiring an offline organization for marketing. Website design also promotes your business without customary charges, such as electricity bills, in-house expenses associated to offline marketing. When you decide to use web site designing all work is being done for you. You dont have to go to any specific location to promote your business as the design website is accessible all over the world. Interaction with customers: EC helps to improve the relations with customers, as personalized communication in buying the products, and doing services will attract consumers. Up to date stock: all products on the web site will be up to date in term of quality, price, and type. No Government permits: when a company launches a web site, it doesnt need to register and pay license fees fore the web site. Long hours: theShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of E-Commerce On Small Businesses Essay1756 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction: E- Commerce is a phenomena that is emerging rapidly between businesses all over the world, and it has affected the businesses at all sizes in many aspects. 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